Each enrolled member over the age of two is eligible to receive up to eight at-home COVID-19 tests per month (valued at up to $12 per test). Additionally, PCR tests and rapid tests ordered or administered by a healthcare provider will continue to be fully covered by insurance with no limit.
Read MoreThe health care system in the United States can be seriously confusing. In order to get the most out of your health care benefits, you need to understand the terms used by insurance companies, the government, health plans and health care providers. This way, you can make better decisions and ultimately receive better care. I
Read MoreMany consumers are eager to learn more about health savings accounts (HSAs), which continue to generate buzz as a growing trend in health care coverage. The general assumption is that a financial tool with this much potential must be complex and difficult to understand. However, HSAs are simple to outline, and can be broken down into a list of ten basic points for consumers to easily digest.
Read MoreA Health Savings Account (HSA) is like a 401(k) for healthcare. HSAs are tax-advantaged accounts that can accumulate interest and earn investment returns. The funds can be used to pay for qualified medical expenses today or can be saved for future expenses. It is owned by you, is 100% vested from day one, and lets you build up savings for future needs.
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